music usage and credit terms

am i free to use your music?

yes! you're absolutely free to use my music however, and in whatever you want, i don't really care.
this means remixes, using my music in sets, in media, stuff like that.
i'd prefer to be asked for permission first.

do i have to credit you?

it'd technically be illegal if you didn't, since my music's licensed under a CC BY-SA 3 license.
though, if you decide not to, i can't really do anything about it besides ask nicely for you to give credit, heh

do i have to pay to use your music?

nah, i don't have a way of receiving money yet anyway.
my music will always be free to listen to and download though, but i'd love donations once i get that set up!
ps, you can distribute my music however you'd like, long as it's free. just make sure you let them know who made it!

can i make money off your music?

you can use my music commercially, but don't upload my music and sell it as "yours."

is there anything else i should do?

any remixes, or any other derivative work based on my music should be licensed under the same CC BY-SA 3 license as the original music i made. if you have any questions about these terms, feel free to shoot me an email at